
Archive for the ‘Poiesis #2’ Category

My poem, The Fall of Miss Sopa, Eater of Clay, has been published in Poiesis #2.   There are excellent poets included in this edition.  The featured writer is J.J. Campbell.

Edited by leah angstman of Propoganda Press/Alternating Current, Poiesis proves that there are wonderful editors left in the world.  I’m not just saying that to suck up, either!  I’d still think she was awesome, even if I didn’t get accepted.

leah has a genuine concern for poets and the promotion of their work.  Perhaps that is because of her own experience as a poet/writer, editor, publisher, musician, actor, and visual artist who has been in the small press and underground art movement for over fifteen years.  But I think leah’s concern is also because of her heart and compassion as a person..That heart makes a big difference for me when deciding which journals to promote or where to send my dollars.

Copies can be purchased here or through the mail for $4 (plus $3 shipping) via cash, check, or money order made out to Alternating Current, PO Box 398058, Cambridge MA 02139 USA, or via PayPal with the email address alt.current@gmail.com.

You can check out more of the titles available through Propoganda Press here.  I have just written a review for an amazing book by Christopher Cunningham, and I will share it with you here soon.

Poets promoting each other’s work–sharing, reading, and learning.. Ain’t that what it’s all about?

So please…check out the poets who have work published by leah and also support good small presses like this one!  I know I plan on ordering more of the poets I see in the catalog.  And maybe an extra copy of Poiesis #2 for Mama😀



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