
Posts Tagged ‘coming of age’

Summer Coming Of Age

Dead Girl’s Road

Julie Buffaloe-Yoder


It’s not the dead ones

you should be afraid of

Jimmy said that time


when we were kids

sneaking out

after midnight to hunt


for glowing ghost lights

down Dead Girl’s Road.


The woods were thick

with ticking crickets,

frogs and bicycle tires


and we had Cherry Nehi

on our sticky lips and

walkie talkies made with

two tin cans on a string.


We sat in August steam

shivering on a rotten log,

while the big round eyes

of souls rose slowly over


warm dark water–a foxfire

of red, yellow and green

around our bare feet.


I could feel the heat

of spirits sighing,

climbing up my legs,


and he held my thigh

tight to keep me

from running away.


Then high school came

and cramps and breasts

swelled and Jimmy

loved me for a while,


then he died trying

to chase dragons

made out of cocaine.


I was still too young

to hold the moaning

sorrow of ghosts.


Instead, I kept the fear

and his spirit clinging

to my bare thighs like


summer lights alive

and breathing fire

down Dead Girl’s Road.



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